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Nancy Shear Arts Services
180 West End Avenue, 28N-P
New York, NY 10023-4908
Tel: (212) 496-9418
Fax: (212) 787-8174


Richard Stoltzman
One of our goals at Nancy Shear Arts Services is to represent the multi-dimensional qualities of our clients. Clarinetist Richard Stoltzman, in addition to being a Grammy� Award-winning and internationally renowned musician, has the unusually fine gift of oral and written eloquence. We regularly incorporated Mr. Stoltzman's quotes into press releases and cover letters to add personalization and insight into our work on his behalf. Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara composed his first Clarinet Concerto as a commission to be performed by Mr. Stoltzman and the National Symphony Orchestra. During the compositional process, Mr. Stoltzman traveled to Finland, exchanging ideas with Rautavaara. Mr. Stoltzman kept a diary detailing his collaboration with the composer, and we were able to present this intriguing literature as supplementary material to our press release, and were able to further personalize our pitches after understanding this special artistic interaction. Mr. Stoltzman is also a skilled, Cordon-bleu trained pastry chef. With our creative pitches, we were able to place stories and strategize with presenters identifying Mr. Stoltzman as the "Culinary Clarinetist." Mr. Stoltzman's son, Peter John Stoltzman is a highly talented jazz pianist who performs in recital regularly with his father. We customized pitches for the family duo, and placed them on Voice of America's Father's Day feature which was broadcast to 85 million people around the world. Click here for Website.

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